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There's this thing about our female gender that doesn't sit well with me and I quite honestly don't understand. Why is it that whenever a woman is achieving a lot you find a cluster that feels she doesn't deserve it. Instead of being happy for her they start tearing her down as if it's an injustice done to them. It starts in their mind, which is usually visible especially with the condescending looks and sneers and when a fellow hater sees it, they somehow link up and then become friends. So uncanny I must say! Maybe it's the common interest; you know the how misery just loves company vibe.

Anyway, most times especially in work places, you'll find a certain group of humans including men (shocker!!) discussing a babe and popular statements will be:

    • Who does she think she is?
    • Si urembo ni make-up.
    • Hiyo pesa ni ya wazazi/ chali yake e.t.c
Plus if you have ever been a victim of such unnecessary criticism, you'll always notice them looking at you with Hyena eyes. God forbid you do something as small as just trip; the laughter that will echo in that room will make your skin crawl. And it's all because they feel you're better than them and now want to project their insecurities onto you. Usually resonates with, "You see I told you she wasn't that special". Why go through all that mental torture and waste all that energy trying to make someone else feel bad? Is it really fun? Couldn't you use that time or energy focusing on yourself, building yourself, going to therapy and getting the underlying issues worked on? You do realize you are a professional with a suit, degree, licenses, masters and what not, don't you?
Well they do say knowledge is power but I guess it doesn't really make you wise. 

In real sense you're not really hurting this person cause if she chooses peace and walks away, I mean let the haters hate, she'll constantly live in your head rent free with you looking for ways to antagonize her since the first step didn't work out.

Why can't we be our sisters keepers. There's our African saying, mpanda ngazi hushuka; what goes up must come down, This time you feel it's okay to put another down, tomorrow this same person you're provoking might be the one you need to go to for help. There's definitely other ways, maybe longer, to get across but wouldn't it just be easier if you didn't burn the bridge?
Pretty sure we've all heard of the bro code: men taking care of men.
I know nowadays we say that men want the princess treatment and this and that but how do we not see how much of that they already have? Do you realize the kind of standards this men have? I mean IF you are NOT IT, he won't wife you no matter how long you stick! Even the men who supposedly "settle" do so with a woman serving their purpose, so do not let them lie to you.
Trust that if these men could even get their period for a day let alone get pregnant, we wouldn't be able to even have access to them. I mean, pads and tampons would be FREE; ABSOLUTELY FREE.

I am not saying our men are our enemies. If anything they are somewhat role models. Let us take a few pages out of their book. At the very least, let us start by having each other's back! And men, step up, guide us where possible, there must be a reason why God is given the pronoun HE. Helping us somewhat helps you. Besides it'll only make it easier for all of us if we are all wise and holding each other accountable. Then you wouldn't have to deal with the possibility a drama or even a setback a wife, a sister, or even a friend created.  
I mean we can't all be friends and there's no need to pretend. Even in families, siblings fight and keep distances and choose not to be friends and they are blood. Could be because of very strong differences or something but in most cases, they always come through for each other when it is necessary. For instance in a burial; I know it's a morbid thought but sadly it does bring most if not all family members together.
How much better would this world be if we could all co-exist with respect and love.
Each one of us respecting each other's boundaries both individually and as a unit, in r/ships, work places, friendships. Generally in all aspects.

It might sound a bit delusional but why not? If we can get up everyday and hope for an amazing day a successful day, that things work out, why not this. Why not aspire for a community coming together for the greater good; a greater community!
How about we stop complicating life and focus on how good our descendants can have it; we can't possible be jealous of them, now can we? At the very least let's make a better world for them.

What do you think? Is it a viable argument or am I waaaay in over my head this time?
Feel free to let me know your thoughts; it's a safe space for all.


  1. oh! Wow this is a wonderful read, dealing with shortcomings starts with a realization and an acceptance, and coming from a woman to fellow women from where I stand as a man I would say this is spot on. Enjoyed reading this and will be looking out for more. Kudos

    1. I appreciate how you understood my message and do stay tuned for more amazing pieces!


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